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Conferência “Non-City”...Next City?
How architecture and urbanism can strengthen Europe é o título da conferência presidida por Jan Olbrycht, Presidente do Urban Intergroup e Membro do Parlamento Europeu, que pretende reflectir sobre a oportunidade única que se oferece à Arquitectura para, nos próximos programas Europeus de coesão urbana e territorial, enfrentar os desafios que a “condição” Europeia suscita face às actuais transformações demográficas, ecológicas e económicas. Conheça os tópicos em debate no draft programme no final da nota.

A abertura da conferência deverá estar a cargo de Johannes Hahn (a confirmar), Comissário para o Desenvolvimento Regional, e estão confirmadas as intervenções dos seguintes convidados:

* Prof. Winy Maas, arquitecto e urbanista (MVRDV): How architecture and urbanism can strengthen Europe;
* ARUP (escritório de engenheiros e urbanistas: why do we need architecture?;
* EFAP-FEPA: “Underconstructions”, an observatory on unconventional practice in Europe;
* François Pinault, urbanista: being developer and creative architecture (a confirmar).

Entre a assistência, estarão peritos do Comité Económico e Social Europeu e do Banco Europeu de Investimento, para participar também num debate alargado, entre outros, a Membros do Parlamento, dos Comités de Desenvolvimento Regional, da Cultura e Educação, de responsáveis pelas Políticas de Arquitectura em diversos Estados-Membros e Membros do Urban Intergroup.

Apesar de não estarem confirmadas as suas presenças existe a intenção de as notas finais da conferência serem proferidas por um representante da Presidência Dinamarquesa (possivelmente o Ministro da Cultura: “The policy of architecture in Denmark”: Elaboration and implementation of Architectural Policies on the national and local level), de Mercedes Bresso, Presidente do Comité das Regiões (The European summit in Copenhagen, the role of the territorial collectivities in architectural and urban quality) e de Jan Olbrycht.

11 Janeiro, 15-18h
Parlamento Europeu, sala ASP 5E2, Bruxelas

Todas as conferências serão em língua Inglesa.
A inscrição é obrigatória, através de e-mail, através do qual é também possível obter mais informações.

“Non-City” foi o título da anterior conferência (ver nota), cuja documentação está disponível no site do Fórum Europeu de Políticas de Arquitectura.

Draft Programme
In this dramatically changing world, the discussion on Europe’s role in the World has been sharpened. What can architecture and urbanism do in that respect? How can it strengthen Europe?
Good architecture and good cities obviously can lead to better living environments, with more value and attraction. However, it would seem that we witness a greater trivialisation instead of diversity and spatial quality in urbanized areas.
Europe has some remarkability. The strong points of Europe are overwhelming amount of various cultures, cities and landscapes, the enormous accessibility, the seemingly endless Heritage, the high quality of architecture and landscape architecture, the talented designers, the green awareness, the desire for fashion and innovation. How to strengthen that?
The social, demographic, ecological and economic challenges of our present-day society call for a new élan, new visions.
What kind of architectural and urbanistic projects can do that? How to support it? If so, what criteria do we need to develop? What organization can do that? And how to do in such a way that attracts the attention of all Europeans, if not outsiders?
The future European programmes on urban and territorial cohesion offer a unique opportunity to allow architectural knowledge to meet these challenges in an open-minded way. To experiment, untied by suffocating regulations. To design unexpected scenarios.
For the first time, the directors of architecture of the European member states will be invited to discuss how architectural policies can take a more active part in the development and the implementation of the European Union set out in the EU 2020 Strategy, especially on European Urban Agenda. Or even to elaborate on a European Urban Policy.
The adoption of the Council Conclusions on architecture and sustainable development in 2008 encouraged a greater attention for architectural and urban diversity and a more flexible city planning. The Cities of Tomorrow document and the new next European programmes offer us an opportunity to challenge us to create space for new unconventional approaches, to allow imagination, innovation, creation and non-dogmatic practice.

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